I’m participating in the A-Z Blogging Challenge, where I post every day in the month of April (except Sundays) and each day is a letter.

My theme for the month is a series of posts about the things that shaped me.

You’re My Home

It’s not the most well-known of Billy Joel’s songs, and it’s not loud or bouncy or exuberant. But it is still one of my absolute favorite songs of all time. (It’s also a lovely song to play on the piano.)

It’s a simple, straightforward song. No hidden messages, no obscure references, no deep interpretations. Quite simply: it doesn’t matter what your living space looks like or where it is, all that matters is having that one person who feels like home.

“I need you in my house, ’cause you’re my home.”

I think I heard this for the first time back in high school, and I have loved it ever since.